The members of Wikimedia Canada move to accept the agenda.
Motion adopted.
The members of Wikimedia Canada move to accept the minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2019.
Motion adopted.
The President of the Board and the President of the Programs Committee present a summary of the main activities of Wikimedia Canada during the previous year.
Benoit Rochon and Catherine Bernier give a presentation on "Mardi, c'est Wiki à BAnQ".
The President of the Board highlights the partnership with Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), and mentions the intent of Wikimedia Canada to further its partnership with Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
The President of the Board mentions the intent of Wikimedia Canada to continue its efforts to expand its activities across Canada, highlighting the examples of Sarah Severson at the University of Alberta, and the Société Nationale de l'Acadie.
The President of the Board notes that 2020 was an opportunity to move the activities of Wikimedia Canada online and its intent to continue to do so.
The President of the Board thanks and congratulates all the volunteers who organized activities.
The members of Wikimedia Canada move to accept the 2019 Financial Report.
Motion adopted.
The following people are elected to the Board of Directors by acclamation for 2-year terms:
Ha-Loan Phan
Benoit Rochon
Catherine Bernier
Michael David Miller
Thérèse Ottawa
The members of Wikimedia Canada move to dissolve the current Executive Committee (to be re-formed by the new Board of Directors).
Motion adopted.
The meeting is closed at 16:05 (after the announcements below).
Jean-Michel Lapointe mentions the idea of making a book to celebrate the 10 years of Wikimedia Canada and invites the people to contribute with messages on how they contribute, what it brings to them, etc. Eventually a call for contributions will be made. The idea still needs to be developed further.