
Recent meetings
General meetings 2019 AGM
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Meeting Information

  • Location: Google Hangouts
  • Date: 6 January 2017
  • Time: 18:00 (EST)


  1. Benoit Rochon (President)
  2. Jeffery Nichols (Secretary)
  3. Jean-Philippe Béland (Vice-President)
  4. David Fourney (Treasurer)
  5. Patrick Paul
  6. Ha-Loan Phan
  1. James Heilman
  2. Philippe-Olivier Daniel
Guest at end of the meeting
  1. Marc-André Pelletier (President of the Wikimania Montreal Committee)


  • Meeting opened at: 18:05
  • Meeting chaired by: Benoit Rochon
  • Minutes: Benoit Rochon motions to accept the minutes of the previous Board Meeting as written. Jeff seconds. Nothing to blackout. No opposition, motion accepted.
  • Agenda: Benoit motions to accept the agenda. Patrick seconds. No opposition, motion accepted.

Standing items


Membership Update

  • Secretary

3 expiry and 0 new member since last update. Membership at 31.

Budget update

  • Treasurer

Our current PayPal balance is $81.04 and bank balance is $15,502.35. Reimbursements were made to several individuals over the past month. We received $87.64 in donations via PayPal since our last meeting.

All of our outstanding bills have been paid as of the end of 2016.

Old business


Strategic plan

  • Benoit Rochon

Report back from Wikimedia France with the questions that the Board needs to answer in order to write the Strategic Plan. WMF suggests we should not focus on fundraising for now. We should focus on our activities. Benoit will go through suggestions and documents written by WMF until next in person meeting in Feb.

WMCA soliciting corporation

  • Treasurer

Treasurer spoke with M. Lafrance he will sit down with tax professional to get more infos. Aiming to have answer by February meeting.

Transfer of bank account & chequebook

  • Treasurer

Completed. We received our new cheque book. It is now in a secure location. Treasurer briefed and trained Ha-Loan on reviewing invoices and requests. 3 cheques have been signed so far.

Board Meeting in February

  • Benoit Rochon

Benoit drafted a grant project for the meeting. Confirmation of booking BAnQ’s conference room for the face to face Board Meeting in February.

Draft plan and schedule Board Meeting in February

  • Benoit Rochon

Benoit Rochon invites board member to edit the document and make suggestions on the schedule. Include estimated length of proposed discussion and who it should involve. Deadline: January 15.

Sub-committees Policy

  • JP Béland

Tabled for the face-to-face meeting in February.

Strategic Plan

  • President

Tabled for the face-to-face meeting in February.

New business


Membership Policy

  • Secretary

Policy on collection of member info to be reviewed; memo will be presented at future meeting.

M. Miseda and M. Lafrance suggest that memberships have uniform expiry dates each year. Treasurer will come up with more info in Feb in person meeting.

Wikimania 2017 update

  • Ha-Loan Phan

Ha-Loan Phan invited Marc-André Pelletier (Wikimania Montréal coordinator). She sent him a series of questions before the meeting. Marc-André confirmed that he received it and gave the Board a brief update about where things are at now and that he will answer the questions more in details by email right in the document. See also WMF Timeline. He confirmed that he will be present to meet the Board in person at the face-to-face Board Meeting in February in Montreal. David Fourney proposed to have live transcription during the presentations in English and in French (no matter what is the original language of the presentation) to increase accessibility. Benoit, David, and JP propose that we have more time than 30 minutes at the face-to-face meeting: 1h30 is proposed.

Discussion points and announcements





Benoit motions to close the meeting. David seconds. Meeting closed at 19:12.

Next meeting is the scheduled in-person meeting.

New Action Items / Deliverables

Action Who Due
Add items to agenda for February meeting. Everyone January 15
Get agenda for Feb meeting ready and sent to the Board for review and last minutes add ons. Benoit Rochon January 20
Prepare memo re membership expiry dates and collection of info. Secretary
Get confirmation about soliciting corporation status Treasurer
Tell out-of-province board members about how/when to book airplane for February meeting. Event Coordinator
Reservations at restaurants + Traiteur Ha-Loan Phan