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Meeting Information

  • Location: Google Hangout
  • Date: 27 March 2017
  • Time: 18:00 EDT


  1. Benoit Rochon (President)
  2. Jean-Philippe Béland (Vice President)
  3. David Fourney (Treasurer)
  4. Ha-Loan Phan
  5. Antoine Beaubien
  1. Jeffery Nichols (Secretary)
  2. Philippe-Olivier Daniel (Project Manager)
  3. James Heilman
  4. Patrick Paul


  • Meeting opened at: 18:00 EDT
  • Meeting chaired by: JP Béland
  • Minutes: JP motions to accept the minutes of the previous Board Meeting as written. Benoit seconds. Nothing to blackout. No opposition, motion accepted.
  • Agenda: NIL (follow minutes).

Standing items


Membership Update

  • Benoit Rochon

35 members

Budget update

  • Benoit Rochon

Current balance in bank account 12,780.87. David Fourney shared by email to all Board members the 2016 Financial Statement to be reviewed for the next Board Meeting.

Old business


Strategic Plan

  • Benoit Rochon

Tabled for next meeting

WMCA soliciting corporation status

  • Treasurer

No change from last meeting. Still waiting for final opinion from our General Counsel. The final decision to be taken at the next AGM.

Committees/Working Groups

  • JP Béland

Tabled for next meeting.

Membership Policy

  • JP Béland

The new membership policy needs to be shared with our membership. To be actioned by Jeffery Nichols.


  • Antoine Beaubien

JP Béland shares that new deadline for submissions for talks and presentations is now April 10.

Antoine Beaubien is sharing that Ellie is working on scholarships. They hired or will hire someone from Montreal for graphics design. The PR firm has been retained in Montreal. Antoine has been offered to be hired as the Volunteer Coordinator, if everything goes according to plan he will officially start on April 1. No updates on the Event Coordinator, but they are looking for somebody in San Francisco that could also work on future Wikimanias.

Benoit Rochon shares that there is a push to get more French submissions. That translations are being looked at. No updated on transcriptions. He is working on the Community Village. He will meet with the internal organizer at the Sheraton to know what they will supply as furnitures and how many booths can be supported. There is a form online for people to apply to have a booth. He shared that Ms Barbe is not at BAnQ anymore, so he is looking at the keynotes issue.

Bylaws review

  • Benoit Rochon

POD is back from vacation and he inquired about the bylaw review. 3 points need to be reviewed: the quorum for Board meetings, the project manager/general counsel office, quorum at the AGM. Benoit Rochon will follow up with POD at the beginning of April.

New business



  • President

Benoit Rochon shared with the Board that the current Secretary is not carrying out his duties despite the Secretary saying that he can do it. The Board agreed that this is a problem.

Benoit Rochon moves to withdraw Jeffery Nichols from the Secretary office and leave the office vacant until a replacement is found, Benoit Rochon and JP Béland agreeing to take on the extra duties in the meantime. The Board agreed to table the decision to the next meeting to give a chance to Jeffery Nichols to voice himself.

Discussion points and announcements





JP motions to close the meeting. David seconds. Meeting closed at 19:00.

Next meeting: 18 April 2017, 18:00 EDT.