This template is used to display an information box about the policies of Wikimedia Canada. Please limit the changes, because this template is used in multiple pages.

Parameter Text string
{{Policy | wm-ca | en}}
This page is an official policy of Wiki Canada. Approval by the board of directors or by a general meeting is needed to change it. However, potential changes may be discussed on the talk page.
{{Policy | wm-ca | fr}}
Cette page est une politique officielle de Wiki Canada. L'approbation du conseil d'administration ou une assemblée générale est nécessaire pour la changer. Cependant, les changements potentiels peuvent être discutés sur la page de discussion.
{{Policy | wm-ca-pty | en}}
This page contains a contractual agreement of Wiki Canada as currently agreed by Wiki Canada and one or more other legal persons. Any changes to this contract will require a resolution of the directors, and agreement by the other party or parties to the contract.
{{Policy | wm-ca-pty | fr}}
Cette page contient une entente contractuelle de Wiki Canada tel qu'elle l'est actuellement convenue par Wiki Canada et une ou plusieurs autres personnes légales. Toute modification de ce contrat exigera un résolution du conseil d'administration et l'approbation de l'autre partie.
{{Policy | wm-ca-ed | en}}
This page is an editorial policy for this wiki. If you feel it should be changed, feel free to propose the change on the talk page.
{{Policy | wm-ca-ed | fr}}
Cette page est une politique éditoriale de ce wiki. Si vous estimez qu'elle doit être changée, n'hésitez pas à proposer la modification sur la page de discussion.

Add or edit text strings

Other parameters edit

  • width : This parameter can be entered either in percentage or in pixels. Default is 80%.
  • color : This parameter change the color of the left thick border, using hexadecimal value. Default is AAAAAA.
  • border : This parameter change the color of the thin border, using hexadecimal value. Default is AAAAAA.
  • bgcolor : This parameter change the color of the thin border, using hexadecimal value. Default is F9F9F9.

Examples edit

{{Policy | wm-ca | en}}

This page is an official policy of Wiki Canada. Approval by the board of directors or by a general meeting is needed to change it. However, potential changes may be discussed on the talk page.

{{Policy | wm-ca-pty | Any changes to these bylaws will require a consensus. The history of work on this page can be found here.}}

Any changes to these bylaws will require a consensus. The history of work on this page can be found here.

{{Policy | width=60% | color=660066 | border=660066 | bgcolor=CCCCFF | A box fully parametred}}

A box fully parametred