User:JP Béland (WMCA)/Archives 3

Grants of Wikimedia Canada
Ask for a grant or reimbursement for your activities in Canada related to the Wikimedia mission.
Members of Wikimedia Canada and other volunteers in Canada are invited and encouraged to organize activities in their communities that further the mission of the Wikimedia movement. This page explains how you can seek grants from Wikimedia Canada for your activities.

Wikimedia Canada is mainly financed through an annual grant from the Wikimedia Foundation that imposes restrictions on how the funds can be spent. The currant annual grant can be reviewed at meta:Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Canada/2018/H2.

It is strongly recommended that you first seek pre-approval for your expenses to ensure that you will be reimbursed. If your expenses are not pre-approved, you are taking the risk to not be reimbursed by Wikimedia Canada. Before applying, make sure that your activity fits within the chapter's annual plan. Types of activities that are generally supported include edit-a-thons and photo hunts with the goal of augmenting and/or improving content on Wikimedia projects. Note that all reimbursements made must be in accordance with the Reimbursement Policy.

Reimbursement requests are assessed by the Programs Committee and approved by the Board of Directors based on the following criterias: how the activity fits within the chapter's annual strategy plan, the impact of the activity, and the requested budget.
How to apply
# Action
1 Read all the steps in this table and the information on this page before proceeding.
2 Select the right form below and write the title of your activity in the appropriate box.
3 In the new page, fill all the necessary information, including the description of the activity with its impact, the list of participants that will incur expenses for this activity and the budget table.
4 Wait for a member of the programs committee to take in charge your request and follow his or her instructions on the talk page of your request. Generally, you should have an initial message within 5 days.
5 The Programs Committee will indicate its decision on the request page that you have created. Before you can be reimbursed, you must submit an activity report on the request page and all justifications for your expenses like receipts.
If you are seeking pre-approval, use the following form.

If you have already incurred the expenses and are seeking reimbursement, use the following form.

2018 Grant requests

Title Status Requested by Followed by Initial amount requested Pre-Approved Amount Approved/Reimbursed Amount Request Number Activity Type Remarks
Ada Lovelace Day Wikithon Request Mindelan89 Benoit Rochon 211.00 NIL 2018-037 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities
Operating expenses 2018-H2 Request Benoit Rochon NIL 2018-036

École d'été du numérique en Haïti Completed Marie D. Martel, Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf, Simon Villeneuve, Pierre Choffet Benoit Rochon 2,940 NIL 2,940.00 2018-035 N/A This claim is sponsored by WMCA but funded by WMFR + WMCH.
Winnipeg Edit-A-Thon - Winnipeg Public Library Pre-approved Mkdw 355.90 355.90 2018-034 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities

Atelier Wikipédia à l'Université de Moncton Cancelled GabrielArseno2 1,000.00 2018-033 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities The event organizer found funding from the University of Moncton for this activity.

Atelier Wiki - Bibliothèque Gatien-Lapointe Completed Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf Benoit Rochon 144.94 NIL 144.94 2018-032 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities

Wiki à l'UQAR, octobre 2018 Completed Gene.arboit Benoit Rochon 100.00 100.00 88.83 2018-031 Host contribution workshops, education programs, outreach events and local activities

T-Shirts Atikamekw Completed Benoit Rochon Thekidpossum 689.85 NIL 689.85 2018-030 Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects / Outreach to indigenous communities and development of Wikimedia projects in Aboriginal languages Approval by WMF

Révision de documents Completed Nathalie Casemajor Benoit Rochon 1,600.00 NIL 1,600.00 2018-029 Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects / Outreach to indigenous communities and development of Wikimedia projects in Aboriginal languages Approval by WMF

Équipement Tapis Rouge Completed Lea-Kim Benoit Rochon 868.51 NIL 868.51 2018-028 Photographic content / Equipment and space / Light kit

WikiFromage Completed Benoit Rochon Thekidpossum 250.00 250.00 250.00 2018-027 Photographic content / WikiCheese / Cheese

Livres sur les langues en danger et autochtones Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 260.05 260.05 264.40 2018-026 Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects / Support volunteers to improve content / Provide access to references // Les peuples autochtones sur les projets Wikimedia / Soutenir les volontaires pour améliorer le contenu / Fournir un accès aux références

Wiki Loves Earth 2018 in Canada Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 600.00 600.00 600.00 2018-025 Photographic content / National and local photographic events / Prizes // Contenu photographique / Événments photographiques nationaux et locaux / Prix

Transit, photo reflector, buisiness cards, office scanner Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 413.30 NIL 413.30 2018-024 Specific events and thematics/Equipment and space/Light kit // Operating costs/General administration/Local transit

Nitaskinan en photos Completed Missatikamekw Amqui 600.00 600.00 600.00 2018-023 Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects / Free knowledge about Canadian indigenous peoples / Gift cards as prizes for local contests

Board retreat2 Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 1,682.87 NIL 1,682.87 2018-022 Operating costs and overhead / In-person board meeting/retreat

Panel ACFAS Completed Seeris Amqui 494.16 NIL 494.16 2018-021 Content, outreach and communities / Content

Matériel multimédia pour le projet Atikamekw 3 Completed Missatikamekw Amqui 240.96 NIL 240.96 2018-020 WMF Rapid Grant

Journée internationale des archives Completed Benoit Rochon Ha-Loan Phan 1,097.95 1,097.95 1,093.67 2018-019 Content, outreach and communities / Content

Matériel multimédia pour le projet Atikamekw 2 Completed Missatikamekw Amqui 579.46 NIL 579.46 2018-018 WMF Rapid Grant

Excursion photo au Salon du livre de Québec + Québec BD Completed Lea-Kim Amqui 253.51 253.51 253.51 2018-017 Photographic content / Specific events and thematics

Atelier Toronto (Projet Franco-Ontarien) Cancelled Seeris Amqui 1,145.00 1,145.00 NIL 2018-016 Content, outreach and communities / Content Annulé (grève au Collège Glendon)

Matériel multimédia pour le projet Atikamekw Completed Missatikamekw Amqui 1,042.57 NIL 1,042.57 2018-015 WMF Rapid Grant

Nanaimo Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Completed Ranunculaa Amqui 575.00 NIL 575.00 2018-014 WMF Rapid Grant

In person meeting / Lac à l'épaule Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 2,088.45 NIL 2,088.45 2018-013 Operating Costs and Overhead / In-person board meeting/retreat

Wiki à l'UQAR Completed Gene.arboit Benoit Rochon 100.00 100.00 43,83 2018-012 Content, outreach and communities / Content / Hospitality

Atelier au Festin de livres en Outaouais Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 77.16 77.16 77.16 2018-011 Content, outreach and communities / Content / Travel and local transit

Rencontre initiale avec le Musée canadien de l'histoire Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 18.48 NIL 18.48 2018-010 Content, outreach and communities / Outreach, partnerships and education / Travel and local transit

Bénévoles d'affaires Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 125.00 NIL 125.00 2018-009 Operating Costs and Overhead / Bénévoles d'affaires

Atelier de contribution du Mois de la contribution francophone à Gatineau Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 64.54 64.54 42.83 2018-008 Content, outreach and communities / Content / Hospitality // Content, outreach and communities / Content / Travel and local transit

Ordinateur portable pour présentations Completed Amqui Benoit Rochon 507.00 507.00 506.91 2018-007 Content, outreach and communities / Content / Equipment and space

Formation au Salon du livre de Trois-Rivières Completed Lea-Kim Amqui 144.43 144.43 165.13 2018-006 Content, outreach and communities / Outreach, partnerships and education / Travel and local transit

Conférence au Musée de la civilisation Completed Lea-Kim Amqui 328.42 NIL 261.25 2018-005 Content, outreach and communities / Outreach, partnerships and education / Travel and local transit

Lancement des Jeudis-Wiki à BAnQ Québec Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 352.50 352.50 316.57 2018-004 Content, outreach and communities / Outreach, partnerships and education / Travel and local transit

Podcast sur Wikipédia Completed Letartean Amqui 278.28+tx 320.00 355.56 2018-003 Content, outreach and communitites / Content / Equipment and space

Numériseur Epson Perfection V39 Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 110.00 110.00 93.35 2018-002 Content, outreach and communitites / Content / Equipment and space

Studio portatif Completed Benoit Rochon Amqui 75.88 NIL 75.88 2018-001 Photographic content / Specific events and thematics / Equipment and space